A recap of 2022 for CGU

Before we hit 2023, let’s review the key successes of 2022.

As an industry, 2022 started out with such high expectations for institutions to finally embrace blockchain and move the economy further towards a web 3.0 future. For those of us that have been through a few crypto cycles already, the events of 2022 were disappointing but largely a matter of course for an industry that is still in its infancy. 

We had hoped to ride a bit longer on the wave of euphoria sweeping over the global gamefi market, but instead we were required to buckle down and continue building with the knowledge that the market is evolving and maturing but still growing steadily with huge opportunities ahead.

In October 2022 we rebranded and officially levelled up to become Crypto Global United, a tribute to the changing nature of income opportunities in metaverse that CGU is providing to our community, reflected in a complete company rebrand and business strategy evolution. 

November saw the commencement of Phase One of our microtasking opportunities for our community to ‘Do the Task, Earn Crypto’. The community engaged in content creation and received tokens for these tasks.  These tasks will continue to roll out systematically. We will roll out our talent management system in Q1 2023 to streamline and provide our community simple access to workforce opportunities.

2023 has already kicked off and sees the transformation of our company into a global workforce powerhouse allowing developing countries to access virtual vocational learning and employment opportunities, we are creating an ecosystem where content creation is rewarded, personal data is individually owned and financial asset security is a personal responsibility.

Digizens, as early adopters of web 3.0, we thank you for your trust and patience throughout a turbulent year and look forward to another exciting year in 2023.


The Blockchain year in review


Crypto 2022: The Year In Review